Employee Terms & Conditions of Employment

This is a specific and enforceable agreement between Universal Staffing (the Employer) and the Employee

Please carefully review the Universal Staffing expectations listed below to ensure your understanding and acceptance of these terms of employment while on Temporary Assignment.

  1. No Guarantee of Work Assignment: I agree and understand that Universal Staffing does not guarantee any work assignment(s) or the duration of any work assignments. I agree and understand that my employment is ‘at will’. ‘At will’ employment means that my employment or work assignment may be terminated by you and/or Universal Staffing for any reason deemed reasonable in accordance with applicable provincial labour standards regarding period of notice etc.
  2. Completion of a Work Assignment: I agree that, upon completion of a work assignment, it is my responsibility to contact Universal Staffing, to arrange an alternative work assignment. If I do not pursue an alternate work assignment it will be deemed that I am not actively looking for work through Universal Staffing. Universal Staffing will attempt to have a comparable position available whenever possible, but cannot guarantee immediate work assignments in all cases.
  3. Background Checks: I understand that some work assignments may be subject to review and approval of my background inquiry as a condition of continued employment. My employment may be terminated based on background check information and employment references. I am aware that a background check may be completed after I start a work assignment, and that starting a work assignment does not indicate an approval of the background check. I also agree to provide Universal Staffing with any information on subsequent events relative to information on my employment application, interview or background information, which may occur after my initial interview.
  4. Automobile Insurance: I understand that work assignment with Client may require traveling to more than one location. Because Universal Staffing is not responsible for automobile insurance coverage, I agree that I will provide Universal Staffing, with my automobile insurance information prior to beginning, or during, my work assignment with a Client where travel is required (if requested to provide it by Universal Staffing). I also understand that Universal Staffing, does not pay for parking, tolls, bus fares, etc., except under special circumstances and must be pre-approved.
  5. Notice for Absenteeism: I understand that I am required to give a 1 week advance notice for any time off requested whenever possible. I understand that if I am going to be late, absent, or need to leave early for any reason, I am to call Universal Staffing, directly, prior to that time. I understand that failure to report to a work assignment, without providing proper notice to Universal Staffing, will be considered a voluntary resignation, (or be considered abandonment of my position) and will result in my being ineligible for future employment. I understand that if I accept a position that is ongoing and requires regular attendance and I am late or absent repeatedly, my employment / work assignment may be terminated for just cause. I also understand that Universal Staffing may ask for documentation when my absence does extend more than four (4) days but for an acceptable reason.
  6. Walking Off: I understand that walking off or abandoning a work assignment is cause for termination. If I am experiencing difficulty with my work assignment, I agree to communicate directly with Universal Staffing. I further agree that if a Client requests that I perform tasks in addition to what was originally presented to me by Universal Staffing, I will contact Universal Staffing, promptly.
  7. Communication: I acknowledge that I will provide Universal Staffing, with current contact information and any additional phone numbers and emergency contact and to advise of any changes during my employment with Universal Staffing.
  8. Professional Dress & Demeanor: I understand that Universal Staffing expects appropriate workplace attire and demeanor at all times while on any work assignment. I will never engage in confrontations in the workplace.
  9. Personal Effects: I understand that personal belongings are not allowed at any work assignment for any reason (i.e. photos, plants, etc.) If the work assignment ends and personal effects are left at the facility, I understand that those items may be forfeited. I will NOT contact the Client or any employees of the Client directly for their return or pick-up.
  10. Client Equipment: I understand that the computer equipment, fax machines, internet, etc., at the Client are property of the Client, and should never be used for personal reasons. Personal use of this equipment to include email, web-surfing, copying of personal materials, etc., is strictly prohibited.
  11. Confidential Information: I understand that in the course of my employment with Universal Staffing I may have access to and become acquainted with information of a confidential, proprietary or a confidential nature which is or may be either applicable or related to the present or future business of Universal Staffing, and/or the Client, its research and development, or the business of its customers. Such trade secrets information includes, but is not limited to, records, devices, inventions, processes, compilation of information, specifications and information concerning customers and/or vendors. I agree that I will not disclose any of the aforementioned trade secrets, directly or indirectly, or use them in any way, either during the term of my employment or at any time thereafter, except as required in the course of my employment with the company.
  12. No Contact and NO Solicitation: I agree that I will ABSOLUTELY make NO DIRECT CONTACT with the CLIENT during the hiring process. I also agree that I will make no contact with the Client, or the Client’s employees, after a work assignment has been completed. I am aware that solicitation of a position from a Universal Staffing Client is strictly prohibited. If I am solicited, I will immediately notify Universal Staffing and will not solicit or accept any work assignments or position from any Universal Staffing Client without expressed written permission from Universal Staffing.
  13. Time Sheets and Payroll: I understand that it may be my responsibility to make sure my timesheet is filled out correctly. I understand that intentionally falsifying timesheet information is an offense that carries legal implications, and that Universal Staffing will pursue any legal actions, including criminal charges and restitution, for any violation of this policy. I understand that my pay will be issued by DIRECT DEPOSIT and available and dated for the Friday following the week I worked. I also understand that it is my responsibility to notify Universal Staffing of any changes to my personal information, failure to do so can result in a delay in payroll processing. Normally, timesheets are submitted directly by the Client to Universal Staffing via fax weekly.
  14. Statutory Holidays: You must meet all labour guidelines in order to qualify! When working on assignments that are classed as Provincial, you will be paid for holidays after 90 days; Federal assignments are after 30 days. Other conditions may apply to determine qualifying standards.
  15. Company Policies: I agree to read and comply with the Universal Staffing safety & compliance policies and procedures listed in the Employee Handbook (provided on the first day of a working assignment)
  16. Workplace Safety: I agree that if, at any time during my employment with a Universal Staffing Client, I find that my workspace produces a potential hazard, interferes in any way with my ability to perform my job duties, or causes injury while working at my job site, I will immediately contact Universal Staffing. I understand that I have the right to refuse dangerous work when complying with federal and provincial regulations on how to do so.
  17. Workplace Accidents & Injuries: I understand that I will fully comply with and adhere to ALL provincial and federal workplace health and safety directives. I understand and agree that I MUST report all and any injuries to Universal Staffing as soon as practicable after sustaining an injury no matter how minor in nature. I understand that modified duties will be provided when applicable and that medical documentation is required.
  18. Drugs & Alcohol: I understand that possession, consumption, solicitation or being under the influence of drugs or alcohol at a Client site is strictly prohibited. I understand that I am not to participate in the usage of drugs or alcohol before my shift’s commencement and/or on breaks. I understand that this may result in termination.
  19. Client Rules and Regulations: I understand that each CLIENT may have additional rules and regulations by which I may need to abide by while on a work assignment. In the event the Client’s procedures conflict with those of Universal Staffing, I will contact my Universal Staffing Specialist for guidance.

Understanding of Terms & Conditions: I have read the above terms and conditions and fully understand them. I further understand that failure to comply with the conditions listed above could lead to my termination without any further warning. I also understand that Universal Staffing continuously reviews and changes its policies and procedures and they therefore are subject to change without notice. I understand that the most current versions of policies and procedures are located on the Universal Staffing, web site and I understand it is my responsibility to periodically review the web site for any changes. Printed copies of all documentation are available upon request.