Excess Hours of Work Agreement

I, the undersigned, understand that based on the business needs of Universal Staffing Inc., I may be scheduled or requested to work in excess of 8 hours per day and up to 60 hours per work week while on assignment.
As such, by my signature below, I agree with my employer, Universal Staffing Inc., to work in excess of 8 hours per day and up to 60 hours per work week if and when scheduled or as I am requested to do so. For the purposes of this agreement, a "work week" shall mean the period of seven consecutive days selected by Universal Staffing Inc. for the purposes of scheduling work. However, I expressly understand that nothing in this agreement guarantees me up to 60 hours of work per work week. I specifically acknowledge and agree that my hours of work will be those scheduled or requested by the company from time to time.
I have read and agree to the terms set out above and acknowledge that this agreement is entered into in accordance with: The Ontario Employment Standards Act, 2000 as amended.
I acknowledge retaining a copy of this agreement and receiving a copy of the Ministry of Labour's fact sheet entitled Information for Employees About Hours of Work and Overtime Pay. I understand, acknowledge and agree that any notice or questions concerning this agreement shall be forwarded in writing to:

Robert Laurenza or Angela Laurenza
Universal Staffing Inc.
75 Rosedale Ave. W, Unit 5
Brampton, ON
L6X 4H4

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